
Bringing clarity to the Accounting Jargon

Clear as Day’s core value is to upskill clients, empowering you to take on your daily business accounting and tax administration with ease.

Through streamlining your daily systems, end of year Financial and Taxation compliance becomes increasingly effortless.

Free yourself of images of your accountant sat in a stuffy office, surrounded by piles of ledgers and welcome a more modern view, where your accountant is yes, still a numbers ‘connoisseur’, but approachable and adaptable to your business needs.

Clear as Day offers a complete service. From business startup, accounting & administration training, Tax Compiance (GST, PAYE, FBT) and Payroll Processing. Right through to End of Year Financial Accounting & Taxation Compliance for individuals, partnerships and Limited Companies.

Based in Wanaka, local clients as well clients from wider Aotearoa are welcome. Remote services are predominantly offered, keeping in touch via phone, email and zoom, although in person catch ups are fantastic when possible.

Contact us today to discuss your business needs.